Few words, many deeds. This Father's Day, gift him a mysterious surprise

Promo Rules

You can leave a brief description of your impression of the EKRCOVER's brand, products or services, etc., or tell us where you learned about us or give us your suggestions. We accept all comments from you sincerely!

Official Website Reviews

  • Pre-purchase Review: Leave a 5-star review to receive a 10% discount. 
  • Post-purchase Review: Leave a 5-star review with a photo to receive a 15% discount. After your purchase, you will receive a review email from Trustpilot in a fews days!
  • Maximum Discount: 25%

Sharing Rewards

  • Share the Event Video or Poster on Social Media Platforms or Groups.
  • Successful Share: Receive an 8% discount.
  • 30+ Likes: Receive a 15% discount.(Sharing in 5 groups can also grant a 15% discount.)
  • 50+ Likes: Receive a 20% discount.
  • 80+ Likes: Receive one free set of seat covers (limited to 3 sets).

Reward Distribution

Screenshot your participation in the activity and submit it via social media email (media@ekrcover.com); the discount will be issued within one business day.


  • Note: Participants can choose to engage in either the reviews or the sharing rewards, but not both.
  • Discount Limitation: Users can combine discount coupons, but the total discount cannot exceed 25%.
  • Event Adjustments: The brand reserves the right to modify event rules based on actual circumstances, with notifications provided via the official website and social media channels.
  • Available Vehicle Stock users participating in any of the above activities are eligible for a half-price discount.